12, 2014

Announcement on the accreditation of journalists at the RA Presidential Administration for 2015


According to the RA Law on Mass Media, from 1-26 December 2014, the Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the RA Presidential Administration will conduct accreditation of journalists who cover activities of the President of Armenia and the Presidential Administration.

To participate in the accreditation process, it is necessary to submit an application which should include:

1) full name of the legal entity engaged in journalistic activities, its legal organizational type, location; if the applicant is a natural person, he or she should submit the surname, name and patronymic name (if the last-named is present in the passport) and the residence information (address);
2) surname, name and patronymic name (if the last-named is present in the passport) of the journalist to be accredited;
3) e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers (if available) of the legal entity engaged in journalistic activities;
4) one electronic photo (size 3.5x4.5 and 300 dpi) of the journalist (journalists) which needs to be sent to press@president.am.
5) Accreditation is given for one year; if the application for accreditation specifies a shorter period of time, the accreditation will be given for the given period.

Each mass media outlet is allowed to nominate for accreditation not more than two journalists and two photographers or two cameramen.

To be accredited, the representative of a mass media outlet which functions based on the legislation of a foreign state, along with the application, should also submit a photocopy of the certificate of journalists’ accreditation in the Republic of Armenia issued by the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Accreditation at the Presidential Administration is not required for a journalist – representative of a mass media outlet functioning based on the legislation of a foreign state, if the media outlet through which the journalist has been nominated for accreditation has a duly registered office in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Late applications will not be accepted.


Deadline: 26.12.2014

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