11, 2015

President Serzh Sargsyan convenes session of National Security Council

 A session of the National Security Council of the Republic of Armenia took place today which was presided over by RA President Serzh Sargsyan, President of the National Security Council.

The council thoroughly discussed and summed up the results of the Shant-2015 Strategic Command and Staff Military Exercises held nationwide from 3 to 6 September, that is the works aimed at achieving the main goals envisioned by the exercise scenario, the achievements and drawbacks, as well as the acting coordination and the level of operational effectiveness of the public administration system, including all the ministries, as a one single body.

After the reports of the head of staff of the military exercises and the deputy heads, the council discussed and summed up the finished works, and the RA president gave some instructions. Prior to it, President Serzh Sargsyan had delivered introductory remarks.

“The logic of the command and staff military exercises held this year from 3 to 6 September is very clear, and it is the continuation of the work carried out by our public administration bodies in our country throughout recent years aimed at giving an organized response to the opponent’s possible aggression. We held such military exercises on a smaller scale in 2008 and 2013, but this time the military exercises were held on a full scale, and, of course, were unprecedented. You are also aware that there is a directive which defines the periodicity for holding various types of military exercises, and all of us are obliged to follow that periodicity. Each military exercise pursues at least three goals - testing, improving and gaining experience. Of course, each military exercise has special goals as well, and at least resting upon preliminary conclusions, the Shant-2015 Strategic Command and Staff Military Exercise was properly organized and achieved its goals.”

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