03, 2010

The newly appointed Ambassador of China Tian Changchun presented his credentials to President Sargsyan

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Today, the newly appointed Ambassador of China to the Republic of Armenia Tian Changchun presented his credentials to President Serzh Sargsyan.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his new assignment, President Sargsyan said that Armenia is interested in deepening her relations with China in different areas. According to the President of Armenia, “thanks to the impressive step taken recently in the economic area, the amount of turnover between our countries makes China our second largest trade partner.”

Serzh Sargsyan stressed also the importance of expanding cooperation in the humanitarian area and steps taken toward that end.

Concluding his assessment of the Armenian-Chinese relations, President Sargsyan said that driving force behind them is, undoubtedly, the high-level political dialogue.

The newly appointed Ambassador conveyed to the President of Armenia greetings from the President of China Hu Jintao. He also underscored high esteem of the government and the people of China toward Armenia and the Armenian people.

Ambassador Changchun said that the government of his country attaches great importance to the development of relations with Armenia. According to the Chinese Ambassador, the Armenian-Chinese political and economic cooperation have been developing since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states and said that the results of that cooperation were already observable.

The President of Armenia and the Ambassador of China discussed also issues pertinent to the development of the bilateral economic and trade relations and the implementation of joint projects. They noted that one of major projects – the construction of a joint enterprise for chloroprene rubber - would boost the bilateral economic relations.

President Sargsyan also said that at the Shanghai Expo-2010 Armenia would be presented at her best, demonstrating not only our achievements but also the potential for invigorating the Armenian-Chinese relations.

The parties hailed the Armenian-Chinese cooperation in international structures and the mutually impartial and balanced stance regarding each other’s problems.

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