09, 2012

President Serzh Sargsyan received the US Congressman Dan Burton

President Serzh Sargsyan received today the US Congressman Dan Burton.

The President of Armenia noted with satisfaction that in the 20th year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and the United States, relations between the two countries are historically at their highest level. According to the President, Armenia strives to deepen relations with the United States – a traditional and true friend – in every area.

Serzh Sargsyan expressed gratitude to the US for its steady assistance to Armenia and the Armenia nation. “Recently, we witnessed yet another example of true friendship and fairness, when the President of the United States, State Department, and congressmen gave a swift, unambiguous and proportioned response to the transfer and release of Ramil Safarov. We are grateful to them all and you personally for such a position. We are aware of the position which you have expressed in Baku, and I believe that it’s a rightful position,” Serzh Sargsyan said.

The parties agreed that Armenia and US have solid partnership in bilateral as multilateral relations. They stressed the importance of deepening further the Armenian-American economic relations and of the efforts aimed at the increase of the American investments in the Armenian economy.

At the meeting with Congressman Dan Burton, the President noted that he highly values the US involvement in the NK peace process and the assistance which is provided to the people of Artsakh every year.

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