07, 2015

President Serzh Sargsyan’s address to the participants of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenia

I cordially welcome the participants of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenia. Your professional conferences, which are held regularly in the homeland and the diaspora, have a crucial mission to consolidate the medical potential of the homeland and the diaspora and implement joint programs aimed at the development of Armenia’s and Artsakh’s healthcare systems.

This is perhaps one of the best illustrations of effective cooperation between the homeland and the diaspora. The given congress, being held in the year of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, requires assessing events from a bit different point of view.

The diaspora is a consequence of a terrific human villainy committed a hundred years ago. But today we are stronger with the homeland-diaspora-Artsakh unity. Our ties, which keep on strengthening sector by sector, make us more self-confident and invincible.

It is no accident that the authors of this farsighted initiative have invaluable human values and a profession rooted in compassion and sympathy. I am proud to state that both in the homeland and the diaspora, Armenian physicians maintain a high degree of professional dignity.

Surely, our newly independent state still has a long way to go in order to stand comparison with leading healthcare systems in the world. However, owing to your long-standing cooperation and the huge inner potential, you play a major role in the region in offering separate services.

Today, we are implementing bold programs to promote healthcare in marzes and establish an ultramodern oncology excellence center or a regional hematology center in Armenia.

Dear friends,

I am confident that this gathering, too, will be effective and will open up new horizons for cooperation, and I am sure that every success of the homeland is perceived as progress of all Armenians.

I wish you further professional achievements that will contribute to the progress of our common homeland, and I wish the congress a meaningful and effective work.

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